Microgreens Gardening: Easy & Funny Method of Gardening for Kids - Shop Ease

Microgreens Gardening: Easy & Funny Method of Gardening for Kids


  Microgreen gardening comes first in mind when we talk about gardening with kids. It. is a good way to keep your kids engaged in productive activities and connect them to plants and nature.


‌Let me tell you, as all know, kids lack patience and other gardening activities have longer wait periods for final results. Here I mean the period from planting to harvest, and it’s a crucial point where kids lose their interest and patience.

In microgreens, one can see the progress of plant growth daily With a quick turnaround from seed to harvest in just 7-10 days from planting.

This is one most crucial aspects. It will keep the children engaged. 

Moreover, in this digital world, all kids are allured and engaged in social media, and parents find it difficult to shift their kids' attention to other productive work 

So, it is necessary in this digital age to shift their attention towards nature towards constructive and healthier habits for a better future.

What is microgreens

In simple terms, Microgreens are just like kids of plants, that is they are babies of the plants.

Microgreens are vegetable greens (not to be confused with sprouts or shoots) harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed with one set of true leaves. They are used for visual, flavor, and texture enhancement. Microgreens are used to add sweetness and spiciness to foods. Microgreens are smaller than "baby greens" because they are harvested soon after sprouting, rather than after the plant has matured to produce multiple leaves.” (Source: Wikipedia)

How to start microgreen gardening for kids?

Microgreen gardening with kids is a fun and engaging task. Engage them in collecting basic required articles like boxes or containers, which are easily available in homes and meant to be discarded . 

 Along with kids, collect the following article

  • Containers/boxes or anything suitable for putting soil and water
  • Collect good soil
  • Choose a place near a window sill or where sunlight is available for a few hours. You can use artificial grow lights also.
  • Select some microgreen seeds (like ‌spinach, kale, or any herbs)

Add soil to containers or pots, sow seeds around  1-2 inches apart water them, and place them at a place where you get some sunlight in your home (or grow lights)

  • Engage kids to water them and notice them grow  
  • Ask them to document the daily growth till harvest.

It’s a fun activity with kids. Once you do it, you realize their active participation and enthusiasm as they share their achievements with family and friends.

Further, it’s a great way to teach them gardening at the micro level and get them conscious about health and nutrition.

Read More about more fun gardening with kids here!

Here are some suggested helpful tips

  1. Try different types of containers/boxes. Ask kids to suggest or prepare containers from household discarded things may be big oil cans or trays preferably wide-mouth containers.
  2. You can also sprinkle fertilizers for extra nutrition to seedlings.
  3.  Keep kids engaged in free time to nurture and care for seedlings
  4. Encourage them to observe the growth or any pest infestations and keep a record till harvest.

Positive Impacts of microgreens Gardening with kids

  • The foremost benefit, in my opinion, is that it will provide an opportunity to connect with nature.
  • Through planting and harvesting, kids develop Motor Skills
  • This will definitely cultivate a habit of healthy eating among kids
  • To learn about plants, planting, nurturing, and caring for plants so that in the future they can grow their gardens.
  • Learn about seed selection, soil fertility, and plant life cycle.
  • Develops curiosity and a flair for experimentation
  • Develop a sense of achievement and fulfillment after harvesting their grown crop and eating them with the family.

Microgreens in the schools/Classrooms


This is a wonderful activity which can be done in classrooms or schools. It will aid in understanding and practical demonstrations of the plant kingdom.  Further, Micro-greens are excellent tools for teaching gardening, nutrition, and science.

Here are a few ways suggested to incorporate micro-gardening in classrooms

  1. Assign students to collect different types of seeds, which will familiarize them with seeds of different crops.
  2. Ask them to document the plant growth, and pest activities, if any, daily.
  3. Microgreens can be effectively used to demonstrate photosynthesis, plant ‌nutrition, and botany.
  4. It also can be used to show experimentally effects of light, water, and soil nutrition on plant growth


Now, Let's embark this fun and engagement-involved microgreen gardening for kids actively engaging them. This is an easy project that can be done inside the home so it's perfect for kids. Another aspect is unlike other gardening, this has little wait period, about 7-10. It will inspire our kids to connect with nature and keep them away from blue screens. It will also develop a love for gardening among them. 

Can’t wait to try microgreens? Sure, let’s give it a try and start today to nurture our future generations. Inspire our kids to love gardening.

Get your basic and complete gardening tool kit to start your gardening today!

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